Blue Valentine Quotes (some..)

13 09 2011

Blue Valentine (2010)Triste San Valentine
Directed by : Derek Cianfrance
also know for “Brother Tied” (1998) and  lots of TV documentary
Writed by    : Derek Cianfrance, Cami Delavigne
Staring         : Ryan Gosling (The Notebook),  Michelle Williams (Mamoth) , Faith Wladyka,  John  Doman,  Mike Vogel


“You are a big girl now, so you cant play anymore” (Dean)

” I feel like men are more romantic than women.. when we get married, we marry, like one girl cause we’re resistant the whole way until we meet one girl and we think, ” I’d be an idiot if I didn’t marry this girl, she’s so great.”
but it seems like girls get to a place, they just kinda pick…pick the best option or something.  I know girls that get married, they’re like “oh,he’s got a good job”.
I mean, they spend their whole life looking for prince charming and then they marry the guy that’s got a good job and who’s gonna stick around” (Dean)

Cindy  : why dont you do something?
Dean    : what do you mean ?
Cindy   : Isn’t there something you want to do?
Dean    : like what?
Cindy  : You’re so good at so many things, you could do anything you wanted to do… You’re good at everything that you do, isn’t there something else you  wanna do?
Dean    : than what? than be your husband? to be Frankie’s dad? what do you want me to do? in your, like, dream scenario of me, like, doing what I’m good at, what would that be?
Cindy  : I dont know, you can do so many things, you have such capacity..
Dean    : for what? look, I didnt wanted to be somebody’s dad, somebody’s husband.. but somehow, it was what I wanted. And it’s all I wanna do, I dont want to do anything else. That’s what I want to do. I work so I can do that
Cindy  : I’d like to see you have a job where you didnt have to start drinking at 8 o’clock in the morning to go to it
Dean   : No, I have a job that I can drink at 8 oclock in the morning. What a luxury, you know?! I get up for work, I have a beer, I go to work, I paint somebody’s house, they’re excited about it, I come home, I get to be with you. This is the dream
Cindy  : It doesn’t ever disappoint you?
Dean    : Why would it disappoint me?
Cindy   : Because you have all this potential !
Dean    : I could still do whatever I could do. Why do you have to fucking make money off your potential?
Cindy  : Look, I’m not even saying you have to make money off it. Dont you miss it?
Dean    : What does even potential mean? potential for what? to turn it into what? -cut-



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